Hasil yang saya perolehi dari laman web Cadbury
Gambar ini tiada kaitan dengan chocolate...
chocolate kesukaan.... saya
Lagi contohnya... chocolate and gift chocolate cadbury.... |
History of Chocolate
So where and when did the magic begin? Thousands of years ago is the answer, in the ancient Maya and Aztec civilizations of Central America.
Cocoa trees grew wild in the jungle, and they used them to make a spicy, rather bitter drink for special occasions. Centuries later the Aztec Empire fell, and the Conquistador Hernan Cortés brought cocoa beans back across the ocean to Spain.
Gradually chocolate spread across Europe – it was the fashionable choice of Kings and Queens, the nobility and the rich, just like caviar or champagne today. At the end of the 19th Century milk was added, and at last someone devised a way of making chocolate to eat as well as to drink. But it wasn’t until the 20th century that chocolate became affordable for everyone.
So chocolate has been on an epic journey, but its popularity is enduring: prized once by Aztec warriors and today by millions of people around the world.
Bestkan kalau dapat menikmati coklat .... Tak takut gemuk ke....????
Peduli apa pada gemuk..janji sihat dan bahagia
Sihat ke????? tak pastilah tapi ketika menyiapkan program master saya dulu saya terkena migrain yang teruk.. and nasihat doktor pada saya..kurangkan pengambilan coklat bila saya bagitau my menu always ada chocolate.. tak kiralah chocolata bar ke.... Chocolate drink ke.... chocolate wafer ke... and chocolate adalah apa yang wajib ada dalam simpanan saya.. untuk menjadi santapan ketika saya stress atau tak berkesempatan untuk mencari makanan. 2 tahun chocolate menjadi peneman hidup saya.... hahahahhaha... tapi sekarang saya dah lebih berdisiplin sebab tak nak jadi macam dulu... badan saya bagai belon dipam je naiknya. Nasib baik dapat mengurangkan berat badan... tapi bukan salah chocolate ye.... salah nya adalah kerana cara diet saya masa tu.
Pagi saya makan nasi lemak...
Tengahari menu saya : Pizza @ Burger @ mana-mana fast food yang saya temui dalam perjalanan balik dari sekolah atau kuliah.
Nasi..................... bila saya rasa rajin aje...kecuali kalau my beautiful kakak datang.. barulah sibuk makan nasi..kalau tak susah.
Yang menambah burukkan keadaan juga adalah pengambilan coca cola atau mana2 minuman berkarbonat secara berlebihan.
Nasib baik sekarang saya dapat 65 KG.... arghhhhhhhhhhhhhh tension sebenarnya melihat berat saya tu.... So.. salah satu caranya.. saya mula kembali makan chocolate mengikut cara yang disarankan dan saya temui dalam website http://www.cadbury.co.uk bertajuk "HOW DO YOU EATS YOURS"
Yours to refer to chocolate lah... so bacalah benda kat bawah ni yea... hehhehe
Simple you might think; remove wrapper, eat chocolate bar. Think again!
Ever since Cadbury launched the ‘how do you eat yours’ Creme Egg campaign in 1985, and probably long before, people the world over have chosen to develop their own individual ways of enjoying and savouring their favourite chocolate brands.
Favoured eating methods
Are you a bit odd when it comes to how you go about eating your favourite chocolate bar or treat? See if you recognise a bit of yourself in some of the weird and wonderful ways people choose to savour their favourite chocolate snacks.
Cadbury Creme Egg
Egg and soldiers: Remove wrapper, place in egg cup, cut or bite off the top of the egg, eat fondant filling with spoon and/ or use Cadbury Fingers as dipping soldiers. Eat chocolate shell.
Bite and lick: Bite the top off the egg, suck out the insides, lick out any remnants of fondant and then pop the remaining chocolate in your mouth in one go.
An extra tipple for adults: Bite the top off the egg, suck out the goo, mash up remaining chocolate shell and mix with a dash of Grand Marnier
Bite off chocolate and then suck away at the honeycomb centre!
The layered approach: Bite off top chocolate first. Bite off nougat layer. Eat biscuit base.
Recreate that famous ad: Run a hot bath. Relax in hot bath and take as much time as possible to eat your Cadbury Flake, savouring each and every deliciously sensuous, crumbly mouthful. For maximum pleasure, be sure to pick a time where you can be guaranteed of you wont be disturbed for at least 15 minutes. For maximum indulgence, light candles as well! For maximum foolishness sing, ‘Only the crumbliest flakiest is chocolate, tastes like chocolate never tasted before.’
Place one Cadbury Milk Button on your tongue. Press the chocolate button to the roof of your mouth and let it slowly melt away. Yummy
The layered approach: eat the top and bottom wafer. Enjoy the flaky centre on its own.
Bestkan kalau dapat lambakan chocolate cadbury macam ni.... lebih-lebih lagi kalau ada hazel nut.... hehehhehehe
Abang..... tak nak bagi hadiah chocolate kat saya ni...... |