Thursday, November 25, 2010


Sebelum ni saya berkata mengenai cinta or love.... Hari ni lak mengenai rindu.

Macam mana ya yang dikatakan rindu.. Saya tak pandai nak mengungkapkan dengan kata-kata... kenapa????? Senang aje.. orang yang merasai rindu saja yang mengetahui dan ia tidak memerlukan madah yang pelbagai..
Ia dirasai di jiwa... di hati... dan di naluri setiap makhluk Allah. Sama seperti cinta..... ia tidak hanya kepada boyfirend or girlfriend tapi kepada sesiapa saja.
malahan kepada orang yang tidak kita sukai pun kadang kita merasa rindu.... Iye ke? Saya pun tak pasti.. tapi jarang kita dengar orang merindu orang yang tidak disukai..Kalau boleh  menyampah dan kalau boleh nak sebut nama pun rasa bagai nak diharamkan.
Namun..kita rindu orang yang tidak kita sukai..sekiranya... orang itu pernah mengukir kenangan terindah bersama kita.....Cuma keadaan yang memaksa rasa benci itu muncul di jiwa... Betul ke? Saya pun tak pasti

Yang pasti sekarang ni saya rindukan seseorang yang telah 4 tahun tidak ditemui........................... Aduhhhh.. tak sabarnya ingin berjumpa kembali......


Cinta sesuatu yang amat universal sifatnya. Betul ke? Terlalu banyak cerita mengenai cinta dalam kehidupan ini. Pelbagai cerita cinta yang kita dengar, kita baca, dan mungkin yang kita alami dalam kehidupan. Cinta bukan hanya antara manusia adam dan manusia hawa semata. Namun seperti yang saya nyatakan, cinta terlalu luas maknanya. Cintakan keluarga kita, cintakan kawan-kawan kita, cintakan wang ringgit, cintakan kerjaya dan macam-macam jenis cinta lagi dalam hidup kita.
Pernahkah ita menilai, menilik dan meneliti, cinta yang manakah yang penting dalam hidup kita. Cinta yang bagaimanakah yang membawa ketenangan dalam hati.. Cinta yang bagaimana yang memberikan kita kebahagiaan dunia dan akhirat.
Seringkali juga kita mendengar cinta itu buta. Bagaimana ya, bagaimana yang dikatakan sebagai buta. Cinta itu bermata ke? Kenapa pasangan bercinta lelaki perempuan. Girlfriend-boyfriend, adam – hawa, Laila-Majnun dan banyak lagi kot yang dikatakan sebagai pasangan bercinta. Tapi semuanya yang berkaitan dengan fitrah hidup lelaki dan wanita yang dijadikan oleh Allah. Kenapa bila kita cintakan keluarga kita.. tak pula kita buta. Kita boleh menerima orang mengatakan kekurangan dan kelemahan keluarga tercinta….
Tapi yang abadi adalah Cinta Hakiki kepada Allah ta’ala yang Maha pencipta. Sebagai hamba yang lemah… kita sepatutnya tidak mengabaikan cinta Illahi. Itulah cinta yang hakiki. Kalau kita mencintai Allah mengatasi segalanya.. Insya Allah walau bagaimana perit pun  kehidupan kita, Allah sentiasa permudahkan. Walau apa yang diperkatakan..kita tetapkan tersenyum senang seolah tiada apa yang menggugatkan hati kita. Allah sentiasa membuka rahmatnya kepada kita sepanjang kehidupan.
Bila kita mencintai Allah mengatasi segalanya… pastinya cinta Allah kepada kita akan mengatasi segala penderitaan yang ada di dunia ini. Segala sakit hati.. segala kelemahan.. segala kekurangan kita.. akan Allah luaskan.. Hati kita akan Allah lapangkan untuk menerima hidayahNya. Dan..itulah cinta yang membawa kepada kebahagiaan hakiki dalam hidup kita. Tapi bagaimana kita nak menggapai cinta hakiki itu.
Memadaikah dengan ucapan.. I love U, Uhibbuka, O Ai Nee… dan pelbagai lagi ungkapan yang memberi makna aku cinta kamu.. yang sering kita dengar. Dan pelbagai lagi ungkapan cinta yang menjadi penghias alam percintaan.. Tidak sayang….. Cinta hakiki kita miliki dengan pengabdian yang tulus kepada Allah. Yang sanggup menerima ujian Allah dengan senyuman, Yang sanggup mengorbankan masa tidur yang enak di malam hari untuk bermunajat kepada Illahi. Yang menjadikan ayat-ayat Allah sebagai satu nyanyian di mulut dan di hati. Yang tak pernah alpa dan lalai kepada kewajipan yang dituntut oleh Allah. Yang suka melakukan perkara kebajikan.. bukan hanya dengan menggunakan wang ringgit dan juga harta.. tapi sanggup mengorbankan jiwa dan raga  hanya kepa Allah yang Esa.
Kenapa saya tiba-tiba vercakap tentang cinta…. Kenapa..? Mungkin  kerana cinta sering menjadikan saya   terkecewwa.  Tapi cinta juga yang membawa kejayaan kepada saya dalam pelajaran… dan kini. Saya sedang merenung jauh. Akan wujud lagikan cinta sesame insan terhadap insan kerdil ini. Yang sering menjadi kebencian.. kerana mulut yang selalu lupa  nak dikawal.. kerana salah faham.. kerana sebagai manusia .. saya tidak memahami hati manusia lain… tapi itulah… saya terima ia sebagai satu ujian Allah untuk menilai ketabahan dan kecekalan saya dalam kehidupan.
Cinta juga pernah membuat saya menangis.. cinta juga selalu membuat saya senyum dan gembiira… cinta juga yang sering menghiasi hidup saya satu ketika dulu. Tapi di kala usia semakin menghampiri angka 40 ini… saya merasakan ia mungkin semakin jauh dari hidup saya. Saya terima takdir yang Maha Esa. Yang penting saya mengejar cinta hakiki.. walau begitu payahn untuk digapai.. tapi usaha tangga kejayaan.
Aku juga bersyukur.. aku memiliki keluarga yang sentiasa ada di sisi tika duka bertamu dijiwa, tika resah melanda rasa.. malah ketika ombak kehidupan menghempas dan seringkali membuat aku tersungkur… keluarga sentiasa ada di sisi.. Alhamdulillah.. cinta keluarga masih kumiliki.
Cinta seorang sahabat.. aku tau aku memiliki sahabat yang sentiasa ada untuk mendengar duka hati… walau aku tak ramai sahabat… tapi aku amat hargai sahabat yang sama2 menangis bersama ku.. sahabat yang sentiasa  sudi memasang telinga dengan bebelan ku… dan sahabat yang sentiasa ada untuk ketawa dan menangis bersama ku. Thanks  my best friend forever.
Aku juga memiliki seseorang yang sentiasa cinta aku… hahahahaha.. ye ke…. ? Atau cinta itu hanya hadir sebagai bf aku selamanya. Entahlah. Yang penting dia ada … dalam tiada. Dia muncul .. dia hilang…  dia dating dan dia pergi. Yang penting dia selalu mengatakan… My love for u is forever.  Yang suatu ketika dulu.. dia sentiasa ada bersama aku. Meraikan setiap kejayaan ku.. menemani kala aku dalam kesakitan… bersedia untuk ada di saat memerlukan khidmatnya… jadi driver… and sponsored….  Yang penting.. sampai detik ini saya tetap menghargai kehadirannya dalam hidup ini. 
Yang penting.. dalam hidup kita… kita memerlukan cinta.. Cinta Illahi, cinta keluarga, cinta kawan-kawan, cinta bf/gf.. dan yang terpenting.. berusahalah untuk mencapai cinta Illahi kerana itu yang Hakiki… 
Perasan tak... word kegemaran saya adalah "Yang Terpenting"

Gambar- gambar ini tiada kaitan dengan entry di atas... cuma nak melihat ia berwarna dan ada gambar sedikit....

Monday, November 22, 2010


Apa yang stuck tu? Atau tersangkut.... my mind ... can't think.......... Feel really tired and need to go back home. But i am on duty now. Have another one and half hour before can go back home.

Ya ...Allah.. kuatkan lah... hamba Mu ini.....

Sunday, November 21, 2010


Malas nak baca dulu... keep it here and will read it later..... ambik dari yahoo,.... Sometimes bila rasa malas nak membaca selalunya saya copy and paste dulu... so lain kesempatan boleh baca... Nal googgle  balik  dari yahoo..malas... so this is the best way for me...

The Really Strange Story Behind Sunday's Blue Moon

The full moon of November arrives on Sunday and will bring with it a cosmic addition: It will also be a so-called "blue moon."
"But wait a minute," you might ask. "Isn't a 'blue moon' defined as the second full moon that occurs during a calendar month? Sunday's full moon falls on Nov. 21 and it will be the only full moon in November 2010. So how can it be a 'blue' moon?"
Indeed, November's full moon is blue moon – but only if we follow a rule that's now somewhat obscure.
In fact, the current "two- full moons in one month" rule has superseded an older rule that would allow us to call Sunday's moon "blue." To be clear, the moon does not actually appear a blue color during a blue moon, it has to do with lunar mechanics.
Confused yet? 
Well, as the late Paul Harvey used to say — here now, is the rest of the story:
The blue moon rule
Back in the July 1943 issue of Sky & Telescope magazine, in a question and answer column written by Lawrence J. Lafleur, there was a reference made to the term "blue moon."  [Gallery - Full Moon Fever]
Lafleur cited the unusual term from a copy of the 1937 edition of the now-defunct Maine Farmers' Almanac (NOT to be confused with The Farmers' Almanac of Lewiston, Maine, which is still in business). 
On the almanac page for August 1937, the calendrical meaning for the term "blue moon" was given. 
That explanation said that the moon "... usually comes full twelve times in a year, three times for each season."
Occasionally, however, there will come a year when there are 13 full moons during a year, not the usual 12. The almanac explanation continued:
"This was considered a very unfortunate circumstance, especially by the monks who had charge of the calendar of thirteen months for that year, and it upset the regular arrangement of church festivals. For this reason thirteen came to be considered an unlucky number."
And with that extra full moon, it also meant that one of the four seasons would contain four full moons instead of the usual three. 
"There are seven Blue Moons in a Lunar Cycle of nineteen years," continued the almanac, ending on the comment that, "In olden times the almanac makers had much difficulty calculating the occurrence of the Blue Moon and this uncertainty gave rise to the expression 'Once in a Blue Moon.'"
An unfortunate oversight
But while LaFleur quoted the almanac's account, he made one very important omission: He never specified the date for this particular blue moon.  
As it turned out, in 1937, it occurred on Aug. 21. That was the third full moon in the summer of 1937, a summer season that would see a total of four full moons. 
Names were assigned to each moon in a season: For example, the first moon of summer was called the early summer moon, the second was the midsummer moon, and the last was called the late summer moon.
But when a particular season has four moons, the third was apparently called a blue moon so that the fourth and final one can continue to be called the late moon.
So where did we get the "two full moons in a month rule" that is so popular today?
A moon mistake
Once again, we must turn to the pages of Sky & Telescope.
This time, on page 3 of the March 1946 issue, James Hugh Pruett wrote an article, "Once in a Blue Moon," in which he made a reference to the term "blue moon" and referenced LaFleur's article from 1943. 
But because Pruett had no specific full moon date for 1937 to fall back on, his interpretation of the ruling given by the Maine Farmers' Almanac was highly subjective. Pruett ultimately came to this conclusion:
"Seven times in 19 years there were – and still are – 13 full moons in a year. This gives 11 months with one full moon each and one with two. This second in a month, so I interpret it, was called Blue Moon."  
How unfortunate that Pruett did not have a copy of that 1937 almanac at hand, or else he would have almost certainly noticed that his "two full moons in a single month assumption" would have been totally wrong.
For the blue moon date of Aug. 21 was most definitely not the second full moon that month!
Blue moon myth runs wild
Pruett's 1946 explanation was, of course, the wrong interpretation and it might have been completely forgotten were it not for Deborah Byrd who used it on her popular National Public Radio program, "StarDate" on Jan. 31, 1980.  
We could almost say that in the aftermath of her radio show, the incorrect blue moon rule "went viral" — or at least the '80s equivalent of it. 
Over the next decade, this new blue moon definition started appearing in diverse places, such as the World Almanac for Kids and the board game Trivial Pursuit.
I must confess here, that even I was involved in helping to perpetuate the new version of the blue moon phenomenon. Nearly 30 years ago, in the Dec. 1, 1982 edition of The New York Times, I made reference to it in that newspaper's "New York Day by Day" column. 
And by 1988, the new definition started receiving international press coverage. 
Today, Pruett's misinterpreted "two full moons in a month rule" is recognized worldwide.  Indeed, Sky & Telescope turned a literary lemon into lemonade, proclaiming later that – however unintentional – it changed pop culture and the English language in unexpected ways.
Meanwhile, the original Maine Farmers' Almanac rule had been all but forgotten.
Playing by the (old) rules
Now, let's come back to this Sunday's full moon. 
Under the old Almanac rule, this would technically be a blue moon. In the autumn season of 2010, there are four full moons:
  • Sept. 23
  • Oct. 22
  • Nov. 21
  • Dec. 21
"But wait," you might say. "Dec. 21 is the first day of winter."
And you would be correct, but only if you live north of the equator in the Northern Hemisphere. South of the equator it's the first day of summer.
In 2010, the solstice comes at 6:38 p.m. EST (2338 UT). 
But the moon turns full at 3:13 a.m. EST (0813 UT). That's 15 hours and 25 minutes before the solstice occurs. So the Dec. 21 full moon occurs during the waning hours of fall and qualifies as the fourth full moon of the season. 
This means that under the original Maine Almanac rule – the one promoted by Lafleur and later misinterpreted by Pruett – the third full moon of the 2010 fall season on Nov. 21 would be a blue moon.  
Choose your blue moon
So what Blue Moon definition tickles your fancy? Is it the second full moon in a calendar month, or (as is the case on Sunday) the third full moon in a season with four?
Maybe it's both. The final decision is solely up to you.
Sunday's full moon will look no different than any other full moon. But the moon can change color in certain conditions.
After forest fires or volcanic eruptions, the moon can appear to take on a bluish or even lavender hue. Soot and ash particles, deposited high in the Earth's atmosphere, can sometimes make the moon appear bluish.
In the aftermath of the massive eruption of Mount Pinatubo in the Philippines in June 1991, there were reports of blue moons (and even blue suns) worldwide. 
We could even call the next full moon (on Dec. 21) a "red moon," but for a different reason: On that day there will be a total eclipse of the moon and, for a short while, the moon will actually glow with a ruddy reddish hue.
More on that special event in the days to come here at, so stay tuned!
Joe Rao serves as an instructor and guest lecturer at New York's Hayden Planetarium. He writes about astronomy for The New York Times and other publications, and he is also an on-camera meteorologist for News 12 Westchester, N.Y. offers rich and compelling content about space science, travel and exploration as well as astronomy, technology, business news and more. The site boasts a variety of popular features including ourspace image of the day and other space pictures,space videosTop 10sTriviapodcasts and Amazing Images submitted by our users. Join our community, sign up for our free newsletters and register for our RSS Feeds today!
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